Past Papers

Key to your success in Film Studies A level is practice and the past papers provided here (alongside the numerous questions at the end of each topic for every film) will provide you with the opportunity to hone your skills ahead of the exams.

Initially, I am happy for you to attempt individual questions in your own time, outside of 'controlled' exam conditions. There is no need to stick to timings to begin with - your early essays should be seen as an opportunity to develop your ideas and responses free from the pressure of timed conditions. Eventually, you should build up to attempting complete papers in timed, controlled conditions BUT for now it is more important to get a feel for the style of questions you may be asked in the real exams.

Every film we study needs to be considered in terms of the Core Study Areas and it is crucial that you have attempted questions for each film for each of these topics. This means that for every film studied I expect you to have answered at least one question on each of the following:

Film Language
  • Cinematography
  • Mise-en-scene
  • Editing
  • Sound
  • Performance
Meaning and Response
  • Representation
  • Aesthetics


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